Coast Life Midwifery, Pregnancy and Postnatal Service


Are you pregnant and looking for continuity of care by a midwife who you know and trust?

The pregnancy and postnatal service at Coast Life Midwifery offers a relationship-based model of midwifery care. Your midwives provide support for you and your baby during pregnancy and up to six weeks after birth.

Midwifery continuity of care sets the tone for your journey into motherhood, based on the premise that women are strong, capable, and intricately designed to grow and birth their babies.

Included in the pregnancy and postnatal service:

  • Comprehensive initial appointment and referral to a hospital of your choice.
  • Minimum of 8 x 45min antenatal appointments at the Coast Life Midwifery practice including your wellbeing check, ordering and interpreting blood tests and ultrasounds and providing personal individualised education and resources.
  • Maternity Care Plan (MCP) and birth preparation visit (approx. 60-90 mins.)
  • Your midwife will be your primary carer for pregnancy and will work collaboratively with a range of hospitals and practitioners.
  • Your own copy of the best-selling pregnancy and birth guide “Preparing for Birth: Mothers. Essential information for birth and presenting” by Jane Palmer and Andrea Robertson.

After your baby is born, you will receive:

  • Up to 3 x postnatal home visits within a 40km radius of the practice, unlimited postnatal visits at the practice or video calls as needed until your baby is 6 weeks old.
  • Birth debriefing.
  • Access to a Lactation Consultant in your pregnancy and the postnatal period if required.
  • Referrals to specialists and/or community health organisations
  • Week 1 & Week 4 check up for mother and baby by your Midwife or the Coast Life Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.

Included extras:

  • Group antenatal sessions facilitated by your midwives throughout your pregnancy. These 8 sessions give you the opportunity to connect with other pregnant women, share information, meet the CLM team and continue building your ‘village’ of support.
  • Evening breastfeeding information sessions with one of their Lactation Consultants. Partners are encouraged to attend.
  • The Birth Circle all-day group education sessions facilitated by your midwives. The day covers labour, birth and early parenting days and is designed to include your partner.

Contact Coast Life reception to book your appointment with Coast Life Midwives Lisa and Cath, 5443 5555


Coast Life Midwifery, Pregnancy and Postnatal Service
2/22 Beach Road
Maroochydore, 4558

Ph: 07 5443 5555
Fax: 07 5476 2784


“We pride our service as being personal, relationship based and flexible and are honoured to be able to provide this in a relaxed family friendly environment.”

Pregnant Woman Having Midwifery Care



Search tags: Sunshine Coast
By Tanya Nissen
Tanya is mum to two teenage girls and is the Production Manager for Kids on the Coast/ Kids in the City. She has experience working in the print & digital publishing industry for a number of years with skills in keeping the production schedule organised, social media and website design. When not being taxi-Mum to her girls, Tanya enjoys camping, reading, digital scrapbooking and boating. Kids on the Coast is a free family magazine whats on guide for Kids: things to do, school holiday fun and free activities for kids... Fun attractions, family food & travel, kids health & wellbeing, kids parties venues, parenting, pregnancy & babies, guide for parents. Servicing Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and beyond, Kids on the Coast is an online guide for parents with kids things to do with kids, schools and education and lifestyle news located on Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast & Brisbane, QLD.

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