What makes an exceptional childcare centre? We ask the experts!

For parents seeking the perfect early learning environment for their little ones, the search can feel daunting. What makes a childcare centre genuinely exceptional? How can you be sure your child receives the best possible care and education?

To discover what goes into creating a genuinely exceptional early learning centre, we spoke with Sunshine Coast early childhood education expert and operator of Out & About Care & Education Pam Maclean. With more than 40 years of experience in the early childhood world, a teaching degree and a master’s degree in education, and decades of practical experience, she is a genuine leader in the early learning space.

In addition, she has designed childcare centres and playgrounds across Australia, winning industry-related awards at a national level. In 2006, the centre she created, built and operated was awarded Queensland’s Small Business of the Year, the first childcare centre to win the honour. It was also named in the Prime Minister’s Top Three Small Businesses. Needless to say, she knows her stuff.


Look for a childcare centre with space to grow

Pam highlights the importance of ample space for young children. “Space matters, especially for developing social skills,” she explains. “Overcrowding can lead to frustration and behavioural issues. Out & About centres address this by having rooms larger than the minimum size, allowing children ample room to move and explore.”

Beyond space, the overall atmosphere plays a significant role. “We use soothing tones throughout the rooms,” says Pam. “This creates a peaceful aesthetic that complements the children’s artwork and toys.”

Soft colours, calming textures, and pops of vibrancy create a welcoming and inviting space where children feel safe and secure.

Pam adds that exceeding basic compliance standards is paramount. “We set far higher standards,” she says. “It’s not about making things easier. It’s about what’s right for the children.”

Plus, just as no two adults are the same, neither are children. We all have our personalities, quirks and needs. So do children. And the early learning environment must allow for that.”


The education team is at the heart of a great childcare centre

Pam acknowledges that even the most beautiful space is meaningless without the right people. She meticulously hand-picks her teams at Out & About, ensuring they have the qualifications and, more importantly, the passion for early childhood education.

“The educators are at the core of any quality service,” Pam says. “I believe in having a blend of age and experience combined with youthful enthusiasm on my team,” explains Pam. “The seasoned educators can guide their younger colleagues, who, in turn, bring fresh perspectives and the latest industry knowledge. This creates a dynamic learning environment for both the children and the educators themselves.”


A great childcare centre that nourishes young bodies and minds

For Pam, having freshly made meals on-site is necessary for any quality childcare service.

“Nutritious food is vital for children’s brain development. Focusing on healthy, wholesome meals ensures young minds get the fuel they need to thrive,” says Pam.

Out & About goes the extra mile when it comes to food. “We provide beautiful, fresh meals and produce to nourish those little brains,” says Pam.


The little things matter

Pam believes that focusing on these ‘little things’ makes a world of difference.

“Children who feel settled and secure are more receptive to learning. When children are relaxed and enjoying themselves, they learn better,” she says.

This holistic approach translates into positive outcomes for the children, both educationally and socially.

“Prep schools often tell us that they can pick the children that are from our centres in the group. They are just so ready to learn.”

Pam says the children attending Out & About are well-prepared and confident in their ability to take on new challenges in their subsequent education settings. “We focus on the things that give them the right elements they need: confidence, self-belief, and resilience to support successful learning. The ability to have a go, maybe get it wrong the first time, but hop up again and have another go. All those things are so important for when they launch into formal learning.”

All these elements combined make a huge difference to the children and the education they receive.

“We end up with brilliant little people!” Pam says.


Out & About Care & Education Sunshine Coast Locations

2 Newspaper Place | Maroochydore, Sunshine Coast, Q 4558

07 5413 8099


30 Dalton Drive | Maroochydore, Sunshine Coast, Q 4558

07 5479 1411


6 Mooloolah Rd | Mooloolah Valley, Sunshine Coast, Q 4553

07 5356 9323


Limited vacancies are currently available in all centres. Inquire about the availability of the remaining spaces.

Keep Reading

A first look at the new Out & About childcare centre at Maroochydore

By Angela Sutherland
After spending many years hustling stories on busy editorial desks around the world, Angela is now mum of two little ones and owner/editor at Kids on the Coast / Kids in the City. She is an atrocious cook and loves cutting shapes to 90s dance music. Angela is the editor of Kids on the Coast - a free family magazine whats on guide for Kids: things to do, school holiday fun and free activities for kids... Fun attractions, family food & travel, kids health & wellbeing, kids parties venues, parenting, pregnancy & babies, guide for parents. Servicing Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and beyond, Kids on the Coast is an online guide for parents with kids things to do with kids, schools and education and lifestyle news located on Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast & Brisbane, QLD.

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