Powerful words to empower children

Adults often have little awareness of the impact of their spoken word – particularly when identifying what words can either disempower or empower children.

With just a little careful focus, any parent can learn to select words which can lead to their child feeling fulfilled and inspired to create a life they love as adult. The added bonus is that it may actually lead to the parent feeling more positive and uplifted as well.

The new generation of children are more sensitive, emotional and reactive. They require ‘care’ and parenting that fits their sensitivities and personalities. Part of that care is choosing the right language and words. By knowing how words and language can affect a child a parent will be able to assist a child to develop in mind, body and spirit which will leave them feeling empowered.

Disempowering words

These are words that feel limited, unenthusiastic and result in arguments and challenges. These words include:

  • should
  • have to
  • must
  • got to
  • ought to
  • must
  • need

These words leave a child feeling guilt, distrust and punishment. As a result, a child may not feel positive about themselves or feel encouraged to try anything new.

Power words

Power words encourage and empower children to work out their problems. This supports them to become self-responsible and assist them take positive action with the knowledge that they can achieve anything they desire.

Power words are also a great tool for a parent to use when asking a child to do their homework, clean their room, play lovingly and share their emotions.

Power words include:

  • want
  • feel
  • like
  • can
  • will
  • choose

All children, especially teenagers, love these words! When offered power words, there is a feeling of choice, a feeling of anything is possible and an innate knowing in a child that all will be OK.

What are some examples of powerful words in action?

“If you want to play on the trampoline, then put your shoes away.”

“How would you like to clean your room?”

“Yes, you can have play time once you make your bed.”

“Choose to eat your dinner first then you can play.”

Children learn by watching their parents will subliminally learn and practise power words. When we delete the ‘should’ and ‘have to’ and replace them with empowering words the whole family will invite more fun, ease and happiness into their life.

This article was written by Jean Sheehan, Millenium Education.

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