There’s nothing cuter than baby’s first toothy smile. But this adorable moment also means it is time to introduce dental care. Dr David Barker from Sunny Coast Dental shares his tips on caring for those first baby teeth.
How do you brush baby teeth?
Giving your baby a toothbrush to play with and chew is a good introduction to brushing their teeth.
“There are so many kids’ toothbrushes on the market today,” Dr Barker says. “It’s important to make sure you are using an age-appropriate toothbrush with soft bristles. Use the toothbrush in conjunction with an age-appropriate toothpaste for your child.”
What age do you introduce toothpaste?
You can introduce toothpaste when teeth first erupt in the mouth using an age-appropriate toothpaste.
What age should we start bringing baby to see a dentist?
Ideally your child should see a dentist when they get their first teeth.
“This is to ensure that any development issues can be identified early,” Dr Barker says.
What happens during a baby’s first visit to the dentist?
“Baby’s first visit to the dentist is usually just a casual introduction to the dentist and the dental team,” Dr Barker says.
The Sunny Coast Dental team makes this initial visit as fun as possible.
“We make glove animals, we have bubbles, a TV, [kids] can have a ride in the chair using the buttons themselves. We play games and then have an examination if child is happy to open their mouth for us to have a look,” he says.
Of course, there is also a goodie bag to take away too! It is a good idea to bring your child along to your appointments so that they get used to coming to the dentist.
Why is it important to see the same dentist regularly?
“We make sure our kids always see the same dentist every time, so that they build a relationship with that dentist,” Dr Barker says.
Seeing the same dentist helps reduce any anxiety and fear.
“The goal is to have your children enjoy their visits to see the dentist.”
Any other tips for caring for a baby teeth?
“Minimise sugary foods and drinks, and sticky foods,” Dr Barker says.
He also recommends
- maintaining your child’s water intake
- avoiding a bottle to go to sleep with, if possible, to prevent bottle caries
- eating a balanced diet.
Have you taken your child to the dentist? How was the experience for you?
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Struggling with the teeth brushing battle? Dr David Barker is here to help!