Kris Kringle is a fun pastime for most places of work – Hawaiian shirts, silly trinkets and joke presents bring a smile to everyone’s festive season.
But this year, I’m doing a Kris Kringle with a difference.
Imagine, for a moment, that your child has been diagnosed with cancer (huge segway, but stick with me!). Then, imagine that is all happening right now and your child will be spending Christmas undergoing lifesaving treatment in hospital. This is the possible reality for us (yup, I have a mini-KOTC’er potentially facing this battle right now), and hundreds of families across the region.
So what has this got to do with Kris Kringle? Well, this year, I am swapping the joke gifts for Buddy Boxes.
The Buddy Box is a specially curated gift box which Cure Cancer has developed in conjunction with hospitals and cancer treatment centres to support the wellbeing of children undergoing cancer treatment. In the gift the child will receive fun, practical and empowering products to support them through their cancer journey. Not only will this brighten a young cancer patients’ day, but all profits will be invested back into lifesaving cancer research in the hope that future generations can live in a world where cancer no longer poses a threat.
“Our aim is to deliver 1,000 to children all around Australia who will sadly be in hospital during the festive season,” said Sarah at Cure Cancer. “In lieu of Kris Krindle gifts and Christmas parties, we are reaching out to businesses to ask if they would like to support Cure Cancer’s Christmas initiative. For as little as $39, staff can gift a Buddy Box to a child undergoing cancer treatment.”
“In Queensland we are working with the Queensland Children’s Hospital, Cairns Hospital, Mackay Base Hospital, Sunshine University Hospital and Rockhampton Hospital to deliver around 500 Buddy Boxes to children undergoing cancer treatment in these hospitals.”
2020 has been a tough year for families. After seeing first-hand the impact of childhood cancer on families in Queensland, being able to bring a little happiness to the kids who are doing it toughest is the best Kris Kringle gift I could ever wish for.
Did you do a Kris Kringle with a difference this year? Send us your photos on our Facebook page!