Emma Rankin is a Children’s Coach & Consultant, having been an experienced senior teacher with 30 years teaching experience including extensive time in boys’ middle school education.
Emma invites you to join her on her mission for fun creating courageous, capable, calm, curious, connected children!
⭐FREE ⭐ eMbrace Change Super STARs Workshops – Sunshine Coast Education Fair
Come & join Emma for a fun, interactive, engaging & eMpowering workshop using practical strategies to identify & manage feelings & emotions as well as have fun!
This workshop is best suited for 9-12yr old boys. Super STARs aim to Support Transitions and Resiliency of specifically tween boys (9-12yrs) and eMpower them as they navigate the uncertain seas of puberty and adolescence.
They will start with some simple icebreaker games before trying their ‘hand’ at a simple body percussion activity to encourage cooperation, foster concentration and stimulate cognition.
Workshop ⭐1 10.30am – Book here
Workshop ⭐2 11.30am – Book here
Workshop ⭐3 12.30am – Book here