Grammar Early Learning Centre is an approved long day care service, where the focus is on quality care and early learning experiences.
Providing superior service to families seeking the best for their children, the centre accommodates families‚ individual needs by operating a separate Nursery Wing and Kindy Wing. The centre caters for children from 6 weeks to 5 years of age, with an approved Queensland Government Kindergarten Program delivered by Bachelor Qualified Teachers.
A range of enrichment activities and specialist programs are provided including sports, music, dance, language programs as well as library visits to Sunshine Coast Grammar School, in addition to literacy and numeracy sessions.
Together, Grammar Early Learning Centre and Sunshine Coast Grammar School offer families the ‚total education journey‚ for their children, and the added convenience of one location for the care and education of children of all ages from babies through to Year 12.
PHONE: 0754537077
LOCATION: 372 Mons Road, Forest Glen QLD 4556 Australia