Looking for a new workout? Meet aerial yoga for busy parents

Looking for a new approach to fitness for parents that will make your heart race and your spirits soar? We say goodbye to the mundane treadmill and hello to an accessible workout that is perfect for busy parents as we fly high for an aerial yoga and aerial arts session at CircStudios.


Aerial yoga for parents

Mums and dads are amazing. We are multi-tasking superheroes who can simultaneously soothe tears, create a healthy lunch, magic up a book-week costume and hold down a demanding job.

But let’s face it, we never look after ourselves. And as life gets busier and fitness is continually further out of reach, self-care often goes in the ‘too hard’ basket.

CircStudios aims to turn that around by bringing fun and self-care back into parents’ lives at their purpose-designed aerial fitness studio in Warana. Whether you’re a seasoned aerialist or just dipping your toe into this unique approach to health, CircStudios has crafted a program that’s as empowering as it is entertaining.

This gravity-defying, confidence-boosting, strength-building experience is tailor-made to be the antidote to parents’ daily juggle—energising your body and rejuvenating your soul without the grind of the gym.

Class instructor Lisa came to aerial fitness after having three children and being unsure of what her body could do after a six-year break from training.

“In the first aerial yoga session, I had no idea how I would go! But I found aerial yoga did all the physical things that I imagined it might do in terms of decompressing the spine, lengthening and strengthening my body, but what I didn’t know that it would do is give me the mental health benefits,” says Lisa.

CircStudios runs two aerial courses: aerial yoga and aerial arts. Both are aerial in nature, but their focus and outcomes are slightly different.

Aerial Yoga Class on the Sunshine Coast at Circstudios

Aerial yoga class on the Sunshine Coast at CircStudios


What is Aerial Yoga?

Lisa describes aerial yoga as the complete proactive package for health and fitness.

“There are benefits for the body in lengthening, strengthening and moving. Then the mental health benefits of relaxing, switching off, challenging yourself and having fun are invaluable.”

Most importantly, aerial yoga is accessible to all ages and fitness levels—new mums can do it too, once they have post-partum sign-off from the GP to start exercising again.

“Aerial yoga for me was such a gift just to fill my cup up so that I could continue to do mum things and be what I needed to be,” says Lisa.

“It’s joy, it’s mental health benefits, it’s physical benefits, and it’s a super-supportive and encouraging community as well.”


Aerial Yoga Class on the Sunshine Coast at Circstudios

Aerial yoga class at CircStudios on the Sunshine Coast


How does this differ from traditional yoga?

When compared to traditional yoga, the differences are remarkable.

“The hammock acts as a supporter—it supports your body, or it can challenge it.”

“It acts as an alignment tool, so you can gauge more body awareness by how the hammock feels on you and then align certain parts of your body within the hammock,” explains Lisa.

“Then, it’s also sensory—you’re getting continual feedback from the hammock about where your body is. As adults, we’ve lost a lot of body awareness, where our body is, and how to use it. The hammock acts as a guide and gives us a solid tool to continue to grow in body awareness,” adds Lisa.

And then, of course, there is the aerial component, where you can achieve inversions quite effortlessly. With the benefits of being upside down and traction, spinal health is one of the main benefits people can experience.

“When you are inverted, there is zero compression on your spine. All of your organs, lymphatic system, and digestive system refresh. So it’s almost a kickstart to your system, releasing a whole lot of endorphins.”


Aerial Fitness with Silks on the Sunshine Coast at Circstudios

Learning Aerial Arts with silks at CircStudios, Sunshine Coast

What is Aerial Arts?

Aerial arts is a more strength-based workout for those that like a challenge! Being more physical, you will build strength, flexibility, aerial awareness, and release lots of endorphins.

“Aerial Arts will completely flip your perspective on fitness! You will experience amazing strength, vitality and confidence like never before,” Lisa says.
CircStudios offers a five-week beginner course to teach you the fundamentals of Aerial Hammock, Silks and Lyra. Experienced instructors guide you through various tricks and techniques on each apparatus to help you build strength and flexibility whilst gaining confidence in the air.

Aerial Arts with Hoop at Circstudios Sunshine Coast

Aerial arts is a challenging, super fun workout


Our verdict on aerial fitness for parents

Honestly, we are hooked! The studio is welcoming, friendly and with zero judgement. Aerial yoga doesn’t have the spiritual side of traditional yoga, which is very refreshing, as the intensity and emotional expectation can be off-putting for many looking for something more fun. Because, in a nutshell, that’s what it is—floaty, fabulous, fitness fun. You will laugh, make friends, challenge yourself, put yourself first and be blown away by how amazing you feel when you leave.

“After their first session, people are always surprised at how good their body feels and how much they need movement, joy and relaxation in their lives,” says Lisa. “Mums young and old often say when they leave: “Oh my gosh, that was amazing! I achieved what I didn’t think I could, had fun, and felt so relaxed.”

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